6 rhyming stories about weather!

there was a house on a hill. Santa was on his way, and Christmas was almost here. You waited on your bed, but at 2 am.. no one appeared.

spring was on its way! You looked  out your window, every single day. When you prayed, no one cared. Even if you were rich. even if you caught a fish. The next day you looked out your window! It had snowed overnight! spring never came, oh what a sight.

It was a pale gray day. Fog was on its way.  All it did was rain. Snow, and lots of pain. One day, the sun was found. You all cheered, with no umbrellas around!

one day a strong wind came, it was all grey, like their usual day. The sun never came out, the moon never moved, and cows never mooed.

bubblegum clouds, high in the sky. Why are they up there ?  Up so high. Higher than the sun, higher than the moon, we never changed our mood, it was always happy, in bubblegum town, no matter who’s out there. you’re always welcome, even if you frown.

sunset falls, low in the water. You sit by the sand, of mother natures honor. You find a nice place to swim, the sun is half down, the water is blue, the sky is low, you are not bothered. soar above the eagles, you hear the waters flow. the sun is almost done, your ears hear the ocean in a shiny new shell. the wind blows the sea onto rocks. *splash* goes the sea, *splash splash* goes the ocean.


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